
We recognise the need to be part of the global sustainability efforts to address the escalating climate change risks. We are taking steps to adopt a holistic approach for the management of our businesses, taking into consideration the material sustainability risks and opportunities are identified based on the environment, social and governance (ESG) pillars.

We hope to achieve our top-priority material sustainability matters on climate change through long-term climate goal of achieving net-zero GHG emissions by 2030 in support of climate goals set under the Paris Agreement.


We are thrilled to announce our inaugural annual Sustainability Report and quarterly ESG Performance Report. These reports encapsulates our environmental, social and governance commitments, strategic initiatives and performance. At Leader Energy, we place sustainability, transparency and accountability at the forefront, in our efforts to Leading the Future with Renewable Energy.


Click to read:

Sustainability Report

ESG Quarterly Report


Our Sustainability

Our commitment to sustainability management is embodied in the following comprehensive approach:

  • Establishing a robust sustainability governance structure with active oversight from our Board of Directors.
    See our Governance Structure
  • Identifying and engaging with our key stakeholders continuously, seeking their valuable feedback to inform our sustainability journey.
  • Prioritising material sustainability issues, focusing on areas where our actions can have significant impact.
    See our Material Sustainability Matters
  • Aligning our Sustainability Strategic Priorities with the identified material matters, ensuring our efforts are directed towards addressing the immediate sustainability challenges.
    See our Sustainability Strategy
  • Demonstrating our support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) by aligning our initiatives with 10 relevant goals that resonate with our mission and values.

Through these proactive measures, we strive to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our operations and make meaningful contributions towards the environment and society.


We recognise the need to be part of the global sustainability efforts to address the escalating climate change risks. We are taking steps to adopt a holistic approach for the management of our businesses, taking into consideration the material sustainability risks and opportunities are identified based on the environment, social and governance (ESG) pillars.

We hope to achieve our top-priority material sustainability matters on climate change through long-term climate goal of achieving net-zero GHG emissions by 2030 in support of climate goals set under the Paris Agreement.


We are thrilled to announce our inaugural annual Sustainability Report and quarterly ESG Performance Report. These reports encapsulates our environmental, social and governance commitments, strategic initiatives and performance. At Leader Energy, we place sustainability, transparency and accountability at the forefront, in our efforts to Leading the Future with Renewable Energy.


Click to read:

Sustainability Report

ESG Quarterly Report


Our Sustainability

Our commitment to sustainability management is embodied in the following comprehensive approach:

  • Establishing a robust sustainability governance structure with active oversight from our Board of Directors.
    See our Governance Structure
  • Identifying and engaging with our key stakeholders continuously, seeking their valuable feedback to inform our sustainability journey.
  • Prioritising material sustainability issues, focusing on areas where our actions can have significant impact.
    See our Material Sustainability Matters
  • Aligning our Sustainability Strategic Priorities with the identified material matters, ensuring our efforts are directed towards addressing the immediate sustainability challenges.
    See our Sustainability Strategy
  • Demonstrating our support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) by aligning our initiatives with 10 relevant goals that resonate with our mission and values.

Through these proactive measures, we strive to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our operations and make meaningful contributions towards the environment and society.

At Leader Energy, we are committed to accelerate energy transition and move towards a sustainable, low-carbon future.

We are committed to reduce the environmental footprint of our business activities by promoting sustainable renewable energy and reducing our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions towards our net zero GHG emissions commitment by 2030.

Simultaneously, we strive to proactively champion the principles of a circular economy, engaging in efficient resource optimisation, managing waste across our operations and ensuring minimal impact on biodiversity.

We are committed to implement an environmental management system and raising environmental awareness across our operations.

Promote Sustainable Energy

In line with the planned Group’s investment policy, we will not develop or acquire any non-RE power asset in the future.

We are continuously expanding our renewable energy power asset portfolio to further enhance our sustainable energy generation capabilities.

Decarbonise Towards Net Zero

We are committed to effectively manage climate-related risks as we proactively transition towards a low carbon future.

We are pursuing our long-term climate goal of Net Zero GHG emissions by 2030, in support of the climate goals set under the Paris Agreement adopted in 2015.

To successfully attain to our long-term climate objective of achieving Net Zero GHG emissions by 2030, we have formulated a strategy that revolves around the following key pillars:

  1. Enhancing the efficiency of our plants, actively pursuing electrification of our processes (Scopes 1 and 2) to reduce carbon emissions.
  2. Addressing emissions throughout our value chain (Scope 3).
  3. Exploring investments in natural carbon sink solutions to effectively offset any residual GHG emissions generated as a result of our operations.



Promote Circular Economy

In our commitment to promote a circular economy, we diligently implement waste management practices across all our operations. These practices adhere to local environmental requirements, regulations, and standards in the countries where we operate.

To ensure proper waste disposal and compliance with local regulations, we have established partnerships with reputable and authorised vendors for the disposal of hazardous waste.

Our waste management procedures are designed to align with local regulations, encompassing practices such as waste segregation, storage of scheduled waste, recycling initiatives, and proper waste disposal methods.


Biodiversity Conservation

Leader Energy is steadfast in its commitment to advancing renewable energy while maintaining ecological balance and managing our environmental impacts. A key part of our strategy includes conducting biodiversity impact assessments encompassing impacts, risks, and opportunities to fully understand how our operations impact nature.

We are also fully committed to respecting the fundamental human rights of Indigenous peoples, local communities and other stakeholders who may be affected by our nature-related dependencies.



We are committed to our social responsibility by prioritising the wellbeing of our employees and by fostering a safe and positive work culture such as by providing robust health and safety measures, proper training, and continuous evaluation and improvement of operational practices. Additionally, we strive to actively improve community livelihoods through our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes, recognising the importance of making a positive impact.

Our commitment to care for our people is guided by the following principles:

  1. Workplace Health and Safety
  2. Nurturing Talent (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
  3. Upholding Human Rights
  4. Care for Community

With these guiding principles, we remain dedicated to create a thriving work environment, fostering employee growth, and making a meaningful difference to the communities around our operations.

Workplace Health and Safety

We prioritise the well-being of our employees by working towards a safe and secure working environment. This includes implementing the necessary health and safety measures, providing proper training, and from time to time, evaluating and improving our practices to safeguard the well-being of our workforce.

We are dedicated to the implementation of a robust health and safety management system that prioritises the well-being of our employees and stakeholders. Through this system, we aim to create a safe and secure working environment across all our operations.

In addition to implementing the health and safety management system, we place significant emphasis on raising awareness about health and safety practices through safety trainings. By promoting a strong culture of health and safety, we empower our employees to actively participate in maintaining a secure workplace.


Nurturing Talent

(Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)

We recognise the value of our employees as the driving force behind our success. We invest in their professional growth and development as well as foster a culture of continuous learning, and empowerment. Through training programs and career advancement opportunities, we aim to unlock the full potential of our workforce and nurture their talent.

Diversity & Inclusion

At Leader Energy, we are committed to cultivate an inclusive workplace where all employees have equal opportunities.

We actively seek to enhance diversity in gender, nationality, and age groups within our workforce. By embracing and celebrating diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, we create a rich and vibrant environment that fosters innovation and collaboration.

We are dedicated to nurture an inclusive culture where every employee feels valued, respected, and empowered. This involves creating a safe and supportive space for open dialogue.


Upholding Human Rights

We respect human rights and embrace a culture of inclusivity, and diversity. We ensure that all individuals are treated equitably and fairly as we uphold the fundamental human rights principles in our operations.

We strictly adhere to and implement the six fundamental behaviours consistent with the International Labor Organization declaration:

  • Freedom of association
  • Rejection of forced labor and child labor
  • Minimum age
  • Minimum wage and equal pay
  • Equal employment
  • No discrimination


Care for Community

At Leader Energy, CSR initiatives go beyond mere societal contributions; they are integral to ensuring the long-term sustainability of our business and the communities in the markets we serve, engaging our employees, and safeguarding our brand reputation.

We champion CSR through a holistic focus on community engagement and environmental stewardship. Our goal is to create a sustainable future where the environment and society coexist harmoniously.

Our CSR Strategy are divided into the following three themes:

  • Strategic Theme 1 – Environment Conservation and Climate Action
  • Strategic Theme 2 – Promoting Community Health and Well-being
  • Strategic Theme 3 – Improving Community Livelihood



Our Board oversees and provides guidance on Leader Energy’s sustainability framework, and the implementation of our company’s sustainability plans and strategies. We firmly uphold a set of common core values that include ethics, integrity, and a dedication to continuous improvement which guide our actions and shape the way we conduct business.

In addition to our Group Code of Business Conduct, we have proactively developed a comprehensive set of rules and guidelines. These supplemental measures outline our commitment to act as a trusted business partner, addressing social, economic, governance, and environmental concerns in a responsible and conscientious manner.

By adhering to these principles and frameworks, we ensure that sustainability is embedded throughout our operations, fostering a culture of responsible and sustainable business practices that benefit both our organization and the broader communities we serve.

Compliance and Business Ethics

We have implemented the Leader Energy Group Compliance and Business Ethics Policies and Programme comprising the anti-bribery & anti-corruption policy, code of business conduct, and whistleblowing policy as a comprehensive framework to strengthen and monitor ethical business practices within our organisation. This program serves as a foundation for promoting and upholding integrity in all aspects of our business operations. Through this initiative, we aim to enhance the ethical conduct of our employees by ensuring that they adhere to high standards of business ethics. By instilling a culture of integrity, we uphold our commitment to responsible and ethical business practices throughout the Leader Energy Group.


Sustainable Supply Chain

Leader Energy is committed to championing a robust sustainable supply chain that embodies the highest ESG practices. We aim to drive a wave of positive change, aligning our operations and supplier network with the broader goals of sustainable agenda outlined in SDG 12.

This commitment will position us at the forefront of the energy sector’s transition towards a more sustainable and equitable future. Ensuring seamless operations through good governance in our supplier relationships is key to maintain our market position and ensuring the integrity of our supply chain.



At Leader Energy, we recognise the critical importance of cybersecurity in safeguarding our IT infrastructure and protecting user data against both internal and external cyber threats. We have implemented robust cybersecurity programs with a range of relevant controls in place.

By implementing these cybersecurity programs and measures, we are committed to maintaining the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of our systems and protecting the sensitive information entrusted to us by our users.


Valued Partnership

Leader Energy place immense value on strategic partnership, recognising their critical role in shaping the sustainable growth of our business. Partnership with diverse stakeholder groups are indispensable as these relationship have the potential to significantly influence our business activities, outcomes and capacity for creating value and achieving sustainable growth.


